
Trump’s Office of Refugee Resettlement is budgeting for a surge in child separations; Plus: SCOTUS Nominee Brett Kavanaugh on the Environment

7:08 – Abbie Dillen (@AbbieDillenis the Vice President of Litigation for Climate & Energy with Earthjustice (@Earthjustice), based in San Francisco.

7:33 – Kris Ebi is a researcher and professor with the Department of Public Health at the University of Washington in Seattle. She’s the co-author of a recent paper in Nature entitled Extreme heat-related mortality avoided under Paris Agreement goals.”

7:48 – John Gioia (@supejohngioiais a Supervisor representing District 1 in Contra Costa County.

8:08 – Mark Joseph Stern (@mjs_DCcovers courts and the law for Slate. He joins us to discuss his latest report on how Trump’s Office of Refugee Resettlement is budgeting for a surge in child separations.

8:20 – Chris Newman (@newman_chrisis the Legal Director and General Council of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (@NDLON), based in their Los Angeles Office.

8:34 – Thomas Frank (@thomasfrank_is a political analyst, historian and journalist. His latest book is Rendezvous with Oblivion: Reports from a Sinking Ship.

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