
Protests erupt worldwide against Israel’s planned annexation of West Bank; Public health experts decry Gavin Newsom for inaction on San Quentin Covid outbreak

Flyer for “Day of Rage” demonstrations planned in cities worldwide against Israel’s plans to illegally annex occupied Palestinian land in the West Bank

On this show:

0:08 – Jamaal Bowman and Mondaire Jones appear to emerge successful in their races for Congress in New York. Charles Booker nearly defeated Amy McGrath in Kentucky’s Senate primary. What does the Democratic establishment need to learn from successful insurgent Black and Brown candidates running on progressive platforms? We talk with Steve Phillips, host of the podcast Democracy In Color with Steve Phillips and founder of Democracy in Color.

0:34 – Young Jewish activists held a “wake up” demonstration outside House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s residence in San Francisco this morning, rallying and playing traditional Jewish instruments to urge her to oppose Israel’s illegal plans for annexation of Palestinian land in the West Bank, slated to begin as early as today. We hear an on-the-ground update from Gabriel Kahn, organizer with IfNotNow (@IfNotNowOrg).

0:37 – Oakland activists successfully pressured members of the city council to reopen the city’s budget to consider deeper cuts to the Oakland Police Department. We hear a recap from last night’s meeting from liz suk, policy director for Oakland Rising.

0:45 – On May 6, 2012, Oakland police officer Miguel Masso shot and killed 18-year old Alan Blueford, a student at Skyline High School. Alan is survived by his parents, Jeralynn and Adam Blueford, who spoke to KPFA for our continued series on remembering people whose lives were taken by police violence. This piece was recorded and reported by KPFA’s Wren Farrell and edited and produced by Lucy Kang.

0:53 – 23-year-old Miles Hall was killed by Walnut Creek police on June 2, 2019 when he was at his most vulnerable point in the throes of a mental health crisis. His mother, Taun Hall, talks about their ongoing pursuit of justice and announces an event for Miles Hall at 6:30PM tonight in Walnut Creek. Details here. 

1:08 – Israel could start annexing parts of the West Bank from Palestinians as early as today. It’s illegal under international law, and protests are planned across the world today against Israeli annexation. We’re joined by Palestinian-American scholar George Bisharat, blues musician and law professor at UC Hastings, who writes about the politics of the Middle East, and Yousef Munayyer, non-resident fellow at the Arab Center Washington, D.C.

1:34 – More than 1,100 incarcerated men at San Quentin State Prison now have tested positive for Covid-19. Stefano Bertozzi is dean emeritus of the UC Berkeley School of Public Health, and part of a team that inspected San Quentin on June 13th, wrote a memo warning the outbreak there could overwhelm the region’s hospitals. The team recommended decarcerating at least half the men in San Quentin. 

1:51 – Tenants in Berkeley are rallying against a planned eviction by the University of California, Berkeley, which wants to demolish affordable city housing to make way for a new student housing project. Danielle Kaye reports.