
LA teachers reach deal ending historic strike; Plus: Transportation and gentrification in the Bay Area

0:08 – Los Angeles teachers have reached a deal with LA Unified, ending a historic strike

What’s behind the wave of teacher militancy? Sarah Jaffe (@sarahljaffe )is a reporting fellow at the Type Media Center, who’s been covering the LA Teachers’ strike for The Nation. Her most recent book is Necessary Trouble: Americans in Revolt.

0:15 – What did the district give up? What did the teachers? Howard Blume (@howardblumecovers education for the Los Angeles Times. He also co-hosts “Deadline LA” on our sister station, KPFK in Los Angeles.

We hear excerpts from speeches by UTLA President Alex Caputo-Pearl and LAUSD Superintendent Austin Beutner yesterday.

0:34 – Community intensifies calls for an audit of Alameda County Sheriff’s Office

We’re joined by Jose Bernal is a Senior Organizer and Advocate at the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights (@ellabakercenter) to discuss the audit. The Alameda County Sheriff’s Office declined an interview, but we read a statement by Sergeant Ray Kelly, who says they welcome the audit. The Alameda County Board of Supervisors could authorize such an audit, so we asked them why it hasn’t happened – none of the five Supervisors’ offices returned our request except Supervisor Richard Valle (listen to his reply at 0:45). 

Then, we’re joined by Barbara Doss is the mother of Dujuan Armstrong found dead in Santa Rita Jail on June 23, 2018. He was 23 years old.

1:08 – BART – criminalization and surveillance

Brian Hofer (@b_haddyis with the Oakland Privacy Coalition and currently Chair of the Oakland Privacy Advisory Commission.

Rasheed El Shabazz (@Rasheed_Shabazzis a journalist, photographer, historian, and urban and planning community development researcher based in Alameda, CA.

1:34 – Transportation and gentrification

Bob Allen is the Director of Policy and Advocacy Campaigns with Urban Habitat (@Urban_Habitat). Since 2007, he has led the Transportation Justice Program focused on regional equity.

Listener calls: What is it costing you to commute in the Bay Area? What are you sacrificing? What do you do, and why?


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