0:08 – Monday’s with Mitch:
- The government shutdown, day 32
- Kamala Harris announces bid for the Presidency
- Jan 22 march to reclaim Dr King’s radical legacy drew thousands in Oakland – was there a media blackout?
0:34 – Why the microbes that live in your house are . . . good
Rob Dunn (@RRobDunn) is a Professor of Applied Ecology at North Carolina State, and author of Never Home Alone: From Microbes to Millipedes, Camel Crickets, and Honeybees, the Natural History of Where We Live.
1:08 – The President Told Michael Cohen to Lie to Congress?
Marcy Wheeler (@emptywheel) is an independent journalist writing about national security and civil liberties at emptywheel.net.
Ken White (@Popehat) is a former federal prosecutor, is a criminal defense attorney, and First Amendment Litigator at Brown White & Osborn LLP in Los Angeles. His podcast “Make No Law” explores the history of the First Amendment.
1:34 – LA activist Melina Abdullah faces eight misdemeanors after an altercation at a LA Police Commission hearing, where she was a part of a demonstration demanding justice for Wakiesha Wilson who was found dead in LAPD custody in March 2016. Police said it was a suicide, but her family says she was not suicidal. Melina Abdullah (@DocMellyMel) is a Professor and the Chair of the Pan-African Studies at Cal State Los Angeles, and the co-founder of the LA chapter of Black Lives Matter.