Governor Brown, facing a massive budget surplus and a Democratic majority in the legislature – warns against any more spending. We get Tom Ammiano’s take on the state of state politics. Plus: Roe v. Wade turns 43 — we’ll look at the new wave of challenges to reproductive rights; and a new study says the deep ocean is warming at an accelerating rate — one of the authors joins us to discuss what that means.
- Tom Ammiano, recently termed-out Assemblymember representing San Francisco — also former chair of the Assembly’s public safety committee.
- Imani Gandy, senior legal analyst for RH Reality check, also co-host of This Week in Blackness –she tweets @AngryBlackLady
- Paul Durak, Oceanographer working at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, co-author of “Industrial-era global ocean heat uptake doubles in recent decades,” published this week in Nature Climate Change