0:08 – New Attorney General William Barr appears for Senate confirmation hearings. Imani Gandy (@AngryBlackLady) is a senior legal analyst for rewire.news, and one half of their Boom! Lawyered podcast.
0:34 – PG&E declares bankruptcy – what now? First, we hear a report from KPFA’s Scott Baba on the bankruptcy announcement. Then, we’re joined by Mark Toney Executive Director, the Utility Reform Network (TURN) for analysis.
1:08 – Reclaiming Martin Luther King’s Radical Legacy
- Ash-lee Woodard Henderson is the Co-Executive Director of the Highlander Research and Education Center (@HighlanderCtr) based in Tennessee, which serves as a catalyst for grassroots organizing and movement building in Appalachia and the South.
- Charlene Carruthers (@CharleneCac) is a community organizer and educator. She is founding National Director of the Black Youth Project 100, a preeminent organization of young activists for black liberation. She joins us today from Chicago.
- Tur Ha Ak (@CRCPOCC) is a co-founder of the Anti-Police Terror Project, dedicated to ending state sanctioned violence.
Oakland March: APTP are calling the Bay Area into the streets for the 5th Annual People’s March to Reclaim MLK’s Radical Legacy – Monday Jan 21 starting with a youth teach-in at 9am and a program and march at 11am at Oscar Grant Plaza in Oakland.
Plus excerpts from Martin Luther King Jr’s famous speech, Beyond Vietnam given on April 4, 1967 in New York City.