On today’s show:
0:08 – John Feffer (@johnfeffer), Director of Foreign Policy in Focus joins us to discuss French President Macron Meeting with Russian President Putin.
0:33 – San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin (@chesaboudin), and John Crew, retired attorney for the ACLU join us to discuss the San Francisco Police Department’s intention to withdraw from the MOU with the District Attorney’s office and theirs, effectively reversing whose role it is to investigate police use of force incidents and in-custody deaths.
1:08 – B.K. White, Vice President of United Steelworkers Local 5 and Shiva Mishek (@ShivaMishek), Communications Co-Chair of the Richmond Progressive Alliance (@RPA_Richmond) join us to discuss worker safety concerns and a possible strike at Chevron.
1:33 – Troy Williams, Communications Manager and Kellie Walters, Staff Attorney with Legal Services for Prisoners with Children (@LSPC_) join us to discuss the consequences of the state’s latest step towards ending capital punishment, dismantling San Quentin’s death row.
1:50 – Dr. Rupa Marya (@DrRupaMarya), Associate Professor of Medicine at UCSF, co-founder of the Do No Harm Coalition and Walter Riley (@walterphillip), longtime Oakland social justice activist and civil rights lawyer join us with some breaking news about the health of Westlake Middle School Administrator and hunger striker Moses Omolade.