0:08 – The US Senate passed bill S-1, a package of pro-Israel initiatives, and contains the first anti-BDS campaign penalty. To analyze the impact of the measure, if passed, we’re joined by Nora Barrows-Friedman (@norabf) is an associate editor of The Electronic Intifada and the author of In Our Power: US Students Organize for Justice in Palestine.
0:34 – A new lawsuit against AC Transit brought by women who claim discrimination for being pregnant and nursing on the job. We speak with one plaintiff, Jada Edward has been an AC transit employee for 14 years. She is a new plaintiff in a lawsuit against her employer claiming that AC Transit refused to accommodate her pregnancy and lactation needs and that the refusal cause negative financial, emotional, and physical impacts on her and her family. Representing the case is Felicia Medina, a civil rights attorney with the law firm Medina Orthwein (@MedinaOrthwein ) LLP. They specialize in employment discrimination, sexual harassment, whistleblower protections, wage and hour, Title IX and civil rights for prisoners.
1:08 – This Day in Black History
1:11 – KPFA News: For decades, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and Central Valley farming interests have dreamed of raising the height of Shasta Dam to increase water storage in the reservoir and thereby boost water deliveries. But numerous challenges stand in the way, including charges that raising the dam would violate both state and federal law. Over the past year the Fresno-based Westlands Water District, the nation’s largest, has been trying to use its clout with a Republican-dominated government in Washington DC to push the project through, anyway. Environmental, Native American and state officials are opposing the project. Vic Bedoian (@VicBedoian)reports from Fresno.
1:17 – Ashara Ekundayo (@blublakwomyn) is an independent curator, cultural strategist, and CEO of Ashara Ekundayo Gallery, she joins us to discuss black art, culture and the impacts of gentrification in Oakland.