0:08 – El Salvador elects new President, Nayib Bukele.
Unfortunately we had a bad connection on Skype so our call was cut off. We had planned to speak with Heather Gies (@HeatherGies) covering the elections in El Salvador for Al Jazeera English. Check out her reporting here.
0:15 – This Day in Black History
0:25 – NEW: We’ve got a new Book Club! Google “UpFront Book Club” to join in. Our next book for the club is Marlon James’s new African fantasy epic Black Leopard, Red Wolf. Details here.
0:34 – The end of an encampment: a look at what Oakland’s eviction of the homeless community, The Village, at East 12th and 23rd what it means for the people who’d been living there. Reported by Brian Edwards-Tiekert (@bedwardstiek).
- Joe DeVries, Oakland Assistant to the City Administrator
- Mouangjoi Tracy Saelae, lives in, and helps organize, The Village homeless encampment
- Barbara Verduzco, long-time resident of East Oakland, recently moved from The Village to the city-funded Tuff Shed camp nearby
0:45 – How is the Oakland Homeless Count done?
Otis Williams (@otisrtaylorjr) is the East Bay correspondent for the San Francisco Chronicle, he rode along for the count this week.
1:08 – US backs out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
We’re joined by Conn Hallinan, columnist with Foreign Policy in Focus (@FPIF)
1:34 – One City Manager resigned in protest of city not doing its part to fight climate change.
Steven Falk (@Steven_B_Falk) is the former City Manager of Lafayette, and joins us in-studio to talk about why he resigned.