0:08 – Monday’s with Mitch: behind the headlines
- Super Bowl boycott
- Anniversary of the death of Yuvette Henderson, killed by Emeryville Police on February 3, 2015.
- Oakland teachers strike vote (to be announced today)
- This Day in Black History: Rosa Parks was born0:34 – Joel Simon (@Joelcpj) is the head of the Committee to Protect Journalists, and author of We Want to Negotiate: The Secret World of Kidnapping, Hostages and Ransom.
0:34 – Joel Simon (@Joelcpj) is the head of the Committee to Protect Journalists, and author of We Want to Negotiate: The Secret World of Kidnapping, Hostages and Ransom.
1:08 – We discuss California’s new police transparency law, SB 1421 which came into effect Jan 1, 2019.
- Senator Nancy Skinner (@NancySkinnerCA) is a member of the California State Senate serving the 9th Senate District encompassing the East Bay. She authored SB 1421, now signed into law, mandating that law enforcement agencies make available under CA’s Public Records Act records of completed investigations on officers’ use of deadly force, and investigations with sustained findings of officer dishonesty related to witness interference or evidence tampering or on the job sexual assault.
- Julian Harvey is Deputy Chief of the Anaheim Police Department (@AnaheimPD). They are charging the public $80 per hour it takes to retrieve and redact records requested under SB 1421. He says they are in compliance with the law.
- James Burch is Policy Coordinator with the Anti-Police Terror Project (@APTPaction), advocating on behalf of the families of victims of police violence and seeking to hold those officers involved, accountable.
- Theresa Smith (@crzeladi) is the mother of Cesar Cruz, a 35-year-old father of five was killed by Anaheim Police Officers on December 11, 2009 in a Wal-Mart parking lot.