0:08 – A deep dive into the Trump and Kushner families and how they’re profiting off the Presidency today: American Oligarchs
Andrea Bernstein (@AndreaWNYC) is the Peabody Award-winning cohost of the acclaimed WNYC/ProPublica podcast Trump, Inc., which investigates how President Trump’s business works and who might be profiting from his administration. Her new book is American Oligarchs: The Kushners, the Trumps, and the Marriage of Money and Power. Yours for a pledge $150 to KPFA.
Exclusive UpFront gift: KPFA ‘Stay Woke’ Coffee made by Mother Tongue Coffee Roasters of Oakland CA for an $80 pledge, or both coffee and the book for $200.
1:08 – Fund Drive Special: All Governments Lie
All Governments Lie: Truth, Deception, and the Spirit of I.F. Stone describes how independent journalist I. F. Stone (1907–1989) pioneered the practice of investigative journalism, digging into public records and back-page stories to track down information. We see the challenges these reporters face as they try to go beneath the surface. The Canadian documentary film features Amy Goodman, Glenn Greenwald, Jeremy Scahill, Michael Moore and many others. Yours for a pledge of $100.