
Why the FBI’s “Black Identity Extremist” designation is problematic. Plus: Revisiting Hamid Hayat’s case


  • Congressmember Karen Bass represents California’s 37th congressional district, which includes parts of Los Angeles. She sits on the House Judiciary Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee. She recently grilled Attorney Jeff Sessions about the FBI report on “black identity extremists.”


  • Yahfeuh Balogun co-founded both the Huey P. Newton Gun Club and Guerilla Mainframe, a Dallas-based socialist organization. He worked closely with Rakem Balogun, legally Christopher Daniels, who was arrested in Dec. 2017 in a case some are calling the first arrest under the category of “black identity extremist.”
  • Kamau Franklin, Atlanta-based attorney activist and the organizer and founder of Community Movement Builders, also weighs in on the matter of Rakem Balogun’s arrest. 


  • Ryan Lenz, Senior Investigative Reporter for the Southern Poverty Law Center and its blog, Hatewatch, joins UpFront to discuss the SPLC’s most recent report on alt-right violence. 


  • We revisit the story of Hamid Hayat, who was convicted on terrorist charges in 2005 and whose case is being reopened, with his younger sister Raheela Hayat, attorney Layli Shirani, and Basim Elkarra, Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) – Sacramento Valley. 

One response to “Why the FBI’s “Black Identity Extremist” designation is problematic. Plus: Revisiting Hamid Hayat’s case

  1. Black people can’t be racists. Racism requires power + privilege. White women cannot be raped for the same reason. They can be sexually assaulted, but not raped because rape requires powerlessness and white women are the primary perpetuaters of institutional White Supremacy in America.

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