
The Green New Deal on the table in the US House; Plus: Women, ritual, power and protecting biodiversity with Vandana Shiva and Vijaya Nagaraja

0:08 – Monday’s with Mitch: news and headline analysis with Mitch, Cat and Brian

  • Acting AG Matthew Whitaker testifies before House Judiciary . . . poorly. Whitaker conceded that he had been briefed on the Mueller probe, but refused to say how many times and when. What are the signposts for future Congressional hearings with Trump appointees?
  • Does the government shut down again this week? Possibly.
  • Vallejo Police gunned down another young black man – 21 year old Willie McCoy was asleep at the Taco Bell drive through, with a gun on his lap according to police. They woke him up and within minutes shot him dead. The family is demanding answers, and why they shot so quickly. This is the eighth person killed by Vallejo Police in two years, according to KTVU.
  • OUSD students walk out in support of teachers, despite threats.

0:34 – The Green New Deal is on the table in the US House – what’s behind it?

Justine Calma (@justcalmais a staff writer for Grist, focused on environmental justice.

Joe Romm is the founding editor of Climate Progress (@climateprogress), based in Washington DC.

1:56 – This Day in Black History

1:08 – Vandana Shiva and Vijaya Nagaraja on environmentalism, women’s movements, and transformation in a rapidly changing world.

Vandana Shiva (@drvandanashivais an scholar, activist, author of more than twenty books, and one of the luminaries of the alter-globalization movement.

Vijaya Nagarajan is a Professor of Religious Studies at the University of San Francisco. Author of Feeding A Thousand Souls: Women, Ritual, and Ecology in India – An Exploration of the Kolam.

KPFA Event: TONIGHT Monday Feb 11 @ 7:30pm

Where: First Congregational Church of Berkeley (2345 Channing Way, Berkeley)

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