0:08 – Pardonpalooza: The Department of Justice investigates a cash for pardons scheme, as reports of Trump considering more pardons for his immediate family and for himself.
Marcy Wheeler (@emptywheel) is an independent journalist writing about national security and civil liberties at emptywheel.net
0:34 – California’s Employment Development Department is a mess, and deadlines loom without new Congressional relief, we discuss and take listener calls.
Daniela Urban is Executive Director of the Center for Workers’ Rights and special counsel to Legal Aid At Work (@LegalAidAtWork).
1:08 – On thanksgiving weekend, dozens were evicted at gunpoint by CHP from vacant Caltrans owned properties in Southern California. 61 people were arrested, and several charged. As the housing crisis deepens, advocates say there’s no reason to keep vacant properties empty when the need is so great.
Vee Serna is a mother and housing rights advocate, she was involved in reclaiming one of the homes CalTrans is keeping vacant in the El Sereno neighborhood last week.
1:20 – New housing audit reveals massive bureaucracy is stalling access to funding for affordable housing, as the pandemic crisis worsens.
Liam Dillon (@dillonliam) covers the issues of housing affordability and neighborhood change across California for the Los Angeles Times.
1:34 – The National Labor Relations Board issues complaint on illegal Google conduct, firings.
Laurie Burgess is an attorney with Messing Adam & Jasmine LLP, representing the former Google workers.