
Fund Drive Special with Betty Reid Soskin and David Wengrow

David Wengrow (left) and David Graeber (right) | FSG

On today’s show:

0:08 – We spend our first hour with Betty Reid Soskin, the oldest living National Park Service Ranger. She celebrated her 100th birthday earlier this year.

Fund Drive Premium – Betty Reid Soskin’s full interview is included in UpFront’s Rethinking History Collection. Pledge $100 and receive nine (mostly) new conversations to change the way you think about the past.

0:33 – David Wengrow (@davidwengrow), is professor of comparative archeology at University College London. He joins us to discuss his latest book, co-authored with the late David Graeber, which is now available as a fund drive premium.

FUND DRIVE SPECIAL – Pledge $150 and receive a copy of David Wengrow and David Graeber’s The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity.

The Holiday 2021 Storytelling for Social Change Video Collection
 is our gift to you if you donate any amount during the Holiday Fund Drive.