0:08- Monday’s with Mitch
0:35- Crime + Punishment: a film by Steve Maing (@mainmaing) . It follows a group of whistle-blowers within the New York Police Department.
1:09- ICE is out of Contra Costa’s jail. What now?
Guests: Tony Bravo is the Coordinator of the Contra Costa Immigrant Rights Alliance (@CCIRAlliance).
Francisco Ugarte (@1FranciscoUgart) is an immigration attorney with the San Francisco Public Defender’s Office.
Supervisor John Gioia (@supejohngioia) represents District 1 in Contra Costa County.
1:30- San Jose Independent Police Auditor Resigns: we speak with former judge LaDoris Cordell (@judgecordell) who was San Jose’s first independent police auditor.
1: 43- A deep dive into Marijuana agriculture in California’s Emerald Triangle. A feature by KPFA’s Clara Sophia Daly (@daly_clara )