7am – Monday’s with Mitch: Antonia, Brian and Mitch with breaking news and commentary
00:34 – KPFA News: Amidst the chaos and public furor over the Trump Administration’s zero tolerance and family separation policies, immigrants from all over the world are still streaming to US border crossings in hopes of finding safety, and economic prosperity. KPFA’s Tom Herriman was at the Paso del Norte bridge, connecting El Paso with the Mexican City of Juarez on July 23 and 24th. He filed this report.
0:45 – We were unable to connect with our guest in Zimbabwe for an update on the contested elections, so instead, we continue news commentary with Mitch Jeserich.
1:08 – KPFA News: The American Psychological Association has rejected a proposal to let psychologists work with terror suspects at facilities like the Guantanamo base detention center. The psychologists’ policy board voted after hours of heated debate in a closed-door session ahead of its annual conference in San Francisco. Christopher Martinez reports.
1:15 – Senator Kevin de Leon joins us to discuss his campaign for the US Senate. He’s challenging Dianne Feinstein for her seat in the November midterms. We discuss immigration, the housing crisis, impeachment, healthcare, and US foreign policy, plus we take listener calls.