7:08 – On April 23, 2018 Alek Minassian drove a rental van onto a crowded Toronto city sidewalk, killing 10 people and wounding 14 more. His Facebook page indicated that this violent act was motivated by a group he aligned with who call themselves “incels.” We speak with Aditi Natasha Kini (@nansequiturs), a New York-based writer and author of vice.com article “How Reddit is teaching young men to hate women” about her research regarding the Incel movement and men’s rights groups.
8:08 – This weekend marks the one year anniversary of the white nationalist Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia that turned violent, resulting in the death of one counter-protester. Many of the same groups are planning an anniversary rally this weekend in Washington, D.C. On the eve of this anniversary, we’ll speak with Sammy Rangel (@sammyrangel), Social Worker, Executive Director of “Life After Hate” a nonprofit dedicated to helping individuals exit hate groups, and Author of Fourbears: Myths of Forgiveness.