
Chaos in meat packing plants, as Trump issues executive order forcing them to stay open and shielding owners from responsibility for COVID outbreak; Plus, New report: The economy’s tanking. Why are billionaires getting richer? 

0:08 – Trump issues executive order shielding meat plants from COVID protocols, amid chaos in the meat industry with workers and unions terrified of an outbreak.

Tom Philpott (@tomphilpott) is a food and agriculture correspondent for Mother Jones Magazine. His latest piece is titled This May Be the Real Reason Trump Is Throwing a Bone to Meatpackers

0:34 – Open lines: We asked listeners to call in and tell us how you’re doing, about your life during shelter-in-place, or what you need us to look into. If you did not get a chance to call in, call us on our off-air phone line: (510) 306 – 2371

1:08 – There have been over 75 prisoner actions and resistance documented in response to COVID, and likely many more across the US.

Duncan Tarr is a writer and organizer, and editor of the website Perilous: A Chronicle of Prisoner Unrest which is documenting actions and resistance in prisons and jails across the US and Canada, in response to COVID.

1:18 – Update on hunger strikes in ICE detention facilities

Yoceline Aguilar is an organizer with Kern Youth Abolitionists (@kyabolitionists).

Priya Patel is supervising attorney at Centro Legal de la Raza (@centrolegal).  

1:34 – Are our deportations spreading COVID abroad?

Jake Johnston (@JakobJohnston) is a senior research associate with the Center for Economic Policy and Research, and author of a new report: “Exporting COVID-19: ICE Air Conducted Deportation Flights to 11 LAC Countries, Flight Data Shows.

1:45 – The economy’s tanking. Why are billionaires getting richer?

Chuck Collins (@Chuck99to1) is Director of the Program on Inequality and the Common Good at the Institute for Policy Studies, and the co-author of a new report ‘Billionaire Bonanza 2020: Wealth Windfalls, Tumbling Taxes, And Pandemic Profiteers’

1:55 – Poetry flash: ‘All the World’ by Kim McMillon

Kim McMillon is a poet, playwright, and theater producer and currently pursuing a Ph.D. in World Cultures at the University of California, Merced, with an emphasis on African American Literature. 

(Photo: Poultry workers / Wikipedia)