
What’s Going Into My Lungs? All Things Smoking and Vaping. Plus: A Debate on San Francisco’s Prop E

7:34 – Darwin BondGraham, staff writer for the East Bay Express who wrote “Back to the Underground,” about new regulations under legalization pushing the cannabis industry back into the illicit market. He also has a new story out about the lack of diversity in recent Oakland Police Department academies and difficulties hiring women and black people as officers.

8:08 – Mark Rubenstein, Professor of Pediatrics at University of California San Francisco’s Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education and lead author of the study “Adolescent Exposure to Toxic Volatile Organic Chemicals From E-Cigarettes”

8:34 – Debate on Prop E, the Ban on Flavored Tobacco in San Francisco

Bob Gordon, Co-Chair of the San Francisco Tobacco-Free Coalition, and a volunteer with the SF Kids vs. Big Tobacco coalition which is supporting Prop E

Gregory Conley, President of the American Vaping Association

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