
Life for Coachella’s Undocumented is No Festival. Plus: How Will FOSTA-SESTA Impact on Sex Workers? And MK Haneen Zoabi talks Palestine

7:34 – Haneen Zoabi, a Palestinian member of the Israeli Knesset

7:46 – Maxine Doogan, organizer for the Erotic Service Providers Union and President of Erotic Service Provider Legal, Educational and Research Project on FOSTA-SESTA and SB 1204’s effects on sex workers

8:08 – David Neiwert, investigative journalist, Pacific Northwest correspondent for the Southern Poverty Law Center, and author of Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump

8:34 – Gabriel Thompson, independent journalist and author of an oral history collection of California farmworkers called Chasing the Harvest, on his new piece for The Investigative Fund, “Coachella, Underground: How the region’s Latino communities have adjusted to a life of fear and uncertainty under a Trump administration” 

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