Bestselling Author, Astrologer, Psychic and Medium, Barry Eaton, entertains that question and many more in conversation with Host, Veronica Faisant.
Barry’s first book, Afterlife, Uncovering the Secrets of Life After Death, is considered an important reference book for grief counselors as well as for individuals experiencing their own grief over the loss of a loved one.
Tonight, via telephone from Australia, Barry Eaton discusses his latest book, No Good Byes, Life Changing Insights From the Other and answer questions from listeners.
If you have questions and/or comments, call (800) 958-9008
Good evening, i am listening…i may call in tonight…Is Judy Bari being discussed? the “tree hugging eco “terrorist”?
sin, shame, fear, guilt and death are quite possibly the first of the worst lies ever promulgated.
If the physical body is debilitated by anything, particularly drug abuse, pharmaceutical or otherwise, does not, exactly harm the soul, but, in my opinion, keep a person from growing and evolving spiritually as fast as could be possible. One the other hand, such experience may well within that persons’ “soul contract”, and indeed, if there is “all the time in the universe” in and with which to experience life on earth in a human body, then the lesson will be encountered over and over again, until, as is said, one “gets it”…
Unresolved parental and family problems, low or no self esteem, multiple drug use and abuse and primary malnutrition do observably lead to a very poor prognosis.
Thank you Barry and Veronica, warmly and sincerely, Gregg Wion
“What’s up” means “How is it going with you” and “What is happening in your life?”
We can hear you Veronica, and your callers, Barry is calling in from Australia and his voice is clear, but the volume seems low from moment to moment.
I agree with David, our bodies are like cars. If we keep them clean, in good repair (adequate essential fatty acids and UNMODIFIED proteins, then it will last a LOT longer than if we ignore the proper care and maintenance of our physical vehicle, then it will wear out. Then, we can either get a “new” car, not a “used” one, after all we don’t put “new wine” into “old bottles”. And then there is the thought that “we are not the car that we drive, and we are not the body that we wear, are we?