The Ralph Nader Radio Hour

Murder the Truth: The Power to Destroy

Ralph Nader welcomes New York Times journalist David Enrich, author of Murder the Truth, an in-depth exposé of the attack on freedom of the press as protected by the landmark Supreme Court decision Sullivan v. The New York Times. Also, Professor Michael Graetz, a leading authority on tax politics and policy, joins to discuss his book The Power to Destroy: How the Antitax Movement Hijacked America. Plus, our resident constitutional scholar, Bruce Fein, updates us on his latest efforts to push for the impeachment of Donald Trump.


David Enrich is the business investigations editor for The New York Times. He writes about the intersection of law and business, including the power wielded by giant corporate law firms and the changing contours of the First Amendment and libel law. His latest book is titled Murder the Truth: Fear, the First Amendment, and a Secret Campaign to Protect the Powerful, an in-depth exposé of the broad campaign — orchestrated by elite Americans — to overturn sixty years of Supreme Court precedent, weaponize our speech laws, and silence dissent.

Michael Graetz is professor emeritus at Columbia Law School and Yale Law School and a leading authority on tax politics and policy. He served in the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Tax Policy and is the author and coauthor of many books, including Death by a Thousand Cuts: The Fight over Taxing Inherited Wealth and The Burger Court and the Rise of the Judicial Right.