Comprehensive coverage of the day’s news with a focus on war and peace; social, environmental and economic justice.
- Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti says hospitals won’t be able to handle the coming surge, urges people to stay home
- Senator Mitch McConnell refuses to allow $2,000 stimulus to come for a vote
- Senator Bernie Sanders calls Senator McConnell’s bluff and urges votes on both McConnell’s measure and the $2,000 stimulus
- A group of House Republicans and Senator Josh Hawley say they plan to challenge the Electoral College votes from key battleground states
- Kentucky considers passage of Breonna’s Law which would end no-knock search warrants
- Massachusetts is set to pass a law that would create civilian-led commissions in charge of decertifying police officers who violate conduct standards
- Student groups set to rally outside President-elect Joe Biden’s Philadelphia headquarters Monday to demand he cancel all federal student debt