
The coronavirus variant & L.A.’s COVID-19 epidemic – January 5, 2021

Dr. Stuart Ray, an Infectious Diseases expert at Johns Hopkins University, talks about the new mutated strain of COVID-19 and why people should take more precautions.  He also talks about the coronavirus, what’s known about it and what makes it such a deadly disease to some.  Dr. Ray is also a physician and scientist at Johns Hopkins, and he’s a professor of medicine at the division of infectious diseases.  Johns Hopkins University is a premier university and medical center that is tracking, treating and researching the coronavirus.

Ninez Ponce, Director of UCLA’s Center for Health Policy Research, talks about health equity and who lives and who dies during the pandemic-with a focus in Los Angeles County, which has become ground zero of the pandemic with six people dying every hour from the disease.  Hospitals are so overwhelmed with patients, they’re treating them in hallways and gift shops.  Those in low income communities of color are getting hit hardest.  Ninez Ponce is also a professor at UCLA’s Fielding School of Public Health. @NinezPonce