On today’s Talkies, guest host Max Pringle speaks with healthcare industry expert Wendell Potter about the daunting healthcare challenges facing the incoming Biden Administration as it tackles a once-in-a-century pandemic and a healthcare system badly in need of reform. Wendell Potter is a former insurance industry executive turned industry whistleblower. He now runs the non-profit Center for Health and Democracy.
Then, Max welcomes Hunter College historian and author Benjamin Carter Hett to the program to discuss his latest book — “The Nazi Menace: Hitler, Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin and the Road to War.” The book details the behind-the-scenes decisions and arguments that would lead, tragically, to the Second World War.
To end the show, Strand Magazine Managing Editor Andrew Gulli discusses a previously unpublished short story from noted 20th Century American author Shirley Jackson. It’s in the latest issue of “the Strand.”