Law & Disorder

How the LWOP Bill Failed; Plus Raj Jayadev on Participatory Defense – Fall Fund Drive Special

This morning, we turn our attention to proposed legislation that stalled in the Assembly last month. SB 94, the Life Without Parole (LWOP) bill would have granted people serving life sentences in California prisons a chance to petition for their sentences to be re-examined. We examine how the bill failed with Susan Bustamante, a member of the California Coalition for Women Prisoners, who served 31 years in prison for a domestic violence case and Daniel Trautfield, Project Director at the Felony Murder Elimination Project.

We spend the rest of the hour with Raj Jayadev, who charts the path of Silicon Valley DeBug, the organization he helped found, which first began as a storytelling initiative independently organized by non unionized factory workers making products for tech companies in San Jose. In 2004, the group mobilized to support the defense campaign of Rudy Cardenas, who was shot in the back in by an undercover drug enforcement agent in a case of mistaken identity. That campaign successfully pressured the police, state agencies, and the District Attorney to open a grand jury investigation into Rudy Cardenas’ killing and set DeBug on the radical path of challenging the mass incarceration.

Jayadev’s new book, Protect Your People: How Ordinary Families Are Using Participatory Defense to Challenge Mass Incarceration presents remarkable stories from organizers across the country who demonstrate how participatory defense has led to acquittals, dismissed and reduced charges, and prevented lengthy prison sentences.


FUND DRIVE SPECIAL – Pledge $100 and receive a copy of Raj Jayadev’s Protect Your People: How Ordinary Families Are Using Participatory Defense to Challenge Mass Incarceration

FUND DRIVE SPECIAL – Pledge $100 and receive a black zippered sweatshirt celebrating the first year anniversary of KPFA’s newest current affairs program Law & Disorder – on the front it has KPFA’s logo, and on the back, the logo of Law & Disorder with Cat Brooks & Jesse Strauss, with the show’s tag-line: Expose, Agitate, Build.


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