We start today’s show bringing you updates on the case of Jacob Harris who was murdered by the Phoenix police department in 2019. He was just 19 years old. We speak on the latest case updates with his father, Roland Harris, as well as Anti-Police Terror Project support organizer Refilwe Gqajela, alongside a conversation with journalist Meg O’Connor, a staff reporter for The Appeal covering police, prosecutors, and the criminal legal system, to update us on the federal Department of Justice investigation into the Phoenix Police Department.
Read Meg O’Connor’s latest reporting here: https://theappeal.org/phoenix-police-doj-civil-rights-investigation-announcement/
Then, we turn our attention to San Francisco, exploring systemic problems with the City and County’s jail system with Mission Local editor Joe Eskanazi, whose latest piece is titled, “San Francisco Doesn’t Give a Damn What Goes on in its Jails.”
Read Joe Eskinazi’s piece here: https://missionlocal.org/2024/06/san-francisco-jail/
Our Resistance in Residence Artist this week is Noa Gardner.
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