Law & Disorder

SFDA drops Chesa Boudin’s charges against killer cop, and SF pays over $20 million in police settlements since 2019; Plus, next week is Black Solidarity Week

In 2017, Keita O’Neil was killed by San Francisco Police Officer Christopher Samayoa, and former SF District Attorney Chesa Boudin had filed historic manslaughter charges against the officer. Brooke Jenkins, the current SF District Attorney, who replaced Chesa Boudin last August after a controversial successful recall effort, has dropped those charges and stated that they were filed for political reasons. We are joined by former SF DA Chesa Boudin along with April Green, Keita O’Neil’s aunt and advocate.

Then, the city of San Francisco has paid out over $20 million in police settlements since 2019. Here to discuss is Tim Redmond – founder and editor of 48 hills who has been a political and investigative reporter in San Francisco for more than 30 years. He spent much of that time as executive editor of the Bay Guardian.

Read Tim Redmond’s piece on SF Police settlements:

Then – Next week is Black Solidarity Week in the Bay Area. We speak with organizer Turha AK, a movement strategist and security expert. He is the founder of Community Ready Corps and a co-founder of the Anti Police-Terror Project.

Check out the Black Solidarity Week website:


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