Law & Disorder

Punishing Menstruation in Prison; Plus, CA Cops Exploit Legal Gray Areas of Cannabis Enforcement

A new report highlights the experiences those sentenced to death by incarceration in Pennsylvania’s women’s prisons. Joining to discuss her article about it as well as a previous recent report on the ways in which prisons use menstruation as a form of punishment, is Victoria Law, is a freelance journalist and the author of Resistance Behind Bars: The Struggles of Incarcerated Women (2012) and “Prisons Make Us Safer”: And 20 Other Myths about Mass Incarceration (2021). She also co-authored the book Prison by Any Other Name: The Harmful Consequences of Popular Reforms (2020).

Read Victoria Law’s latest piece: These Women Face Death by Incarceration, But They’re Organizing for Their Lives:
Read Victoria Law’s previous piece: Prisons Use Menstruation as a Form of Punishment:

Then, the complicated legal areas of marijuana legal enforcement in California – we speak with Kate Mishkin, a Los Angeles-based audio producer, journalist, and writer, about her latest piece, published by The Appeal: How California Cops Exploit Legal Gray Areas to Continue Their War on Cannabis.

Read Kate Mishkin’s latest article:
Check out Kate Mishkin’s website:

This week’s Resistance in Residence Artist is Randolph Belle.
Check out Randolph Belle’s website:


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