Women are the fastest growing population of incarcerated people in the United States today.
The rate of growth for female imprisonment has been twice has high as that of men since 1980,
with the incarcerated population growing nearly 600% in the last 45 years.
For this International Women’s Day special we bring you the voices of formerly incarcerated
women who share their experiences in the worlds largest mass incarcerator-the United States,
with nearly 2 million people behind bars today.
Guests are: Griselda Muniz, Aja Jasmine and Darlene Baker, who were incarcerated at the
federal FCI Federal Correctional Institution in Dublin, California, known as “the rape club” for
rampant sex abuse of the imprisoned women there. They are among the more than 100 victims
and survivors who sued-they won and received early release and compensation.
Guest, Susan Beatty, is the senior attorney at the California Collaborative for Immigrant Justice,
one of the advocacy organizations that helped bring the prison system to justice for sexually
abuse if incarcerated women, many of them immigrants.
The last guest in this program is Thylon, a member of FIPPP-Formerly Incarcerated People’s
Performance Project. You can find out more about the work they do here in the Bay Area at
www.fippp.org, and check out their schedule of live performances.
Music is The Destiny of the Cruxorians by CRUXORIUM on the Free Music Archive.
And the last song is “We Are Soldiers” by James Cleveland PresentsThe Charles Fold Singers
of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Photo by Denis Oliveira on Unsplash.