Hard Knock Radio

Justice for Breonna Taylor

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We speak with attorney Benjamin Crump about the murder of Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky. The 26-year-old aspiring nurse was killed on March 13 after being shot eight times by Louisville police officers during a raid. Her death has sparked outrage, a demand for answers, and the prosecution of all officers involved.  Later we acknowledge the birthday of Malcolm X born March 19, 1925. Today marks the 95th birthday of El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz “Malcolm X“.



Artist Song Album Label
dead prezPolice StateLet's Get FreeEpic
Malcolm XPolice Brutality And Mob ViolenceThe Best Of The SpeechesStardust
Malcolm XThe F.B.I. And Black MuslimsThe Best Of The SpeechesStardust
Cloudy OctoberThe Ins and Outs of the Female Reproductive SystemThe Metal JerkFieldwerk
CromosomaKobal!EP Mirror!Cores Records
ShawnTurnerMalcom LittleThrowbacks, Vol.1BoTTomsUP Entertainment
Data-Bank-ABlack Power (Malcom X Mix)Don't Look AheadTrue Age Records
Lio Mass,Alex RaiderIn The LabIn The LabYousel Records
LyghtfootBased on a True StoryBased on a True StoryBlack Island Music
N.A.H.U.M,Flutes by OrganicMalcolm X pt.3 [Aftermath of Malcolm's Death]Malcolm X pt.3 [Aftermath of Malcolm's Death]Independent
Street InterviewsReactionsReactionsWMG - Warner Records Label
PanicEnding SpeechRiot Act: Hip Hop Subpoena, Vol. 11Portico Music/SUGO Music Group
Ossie DavisEulogyEulogyWMG - Warner Records Label