Hard Knock Radio

Fund Drive Special: In Conversation with Odie Henderson about Black Caesars and Foxy Cleopatras

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We speak with author and culture critic Odie Henderson about his latest book, Black Caesars and Foxy Cleopatras: A History of Blaxploitation Cinema.

Black Caesars and Foxy Cleopatras is a spirited history of a genre and the movies that he grew up watching, which he loves without irony (but with plenty of self-awareness and humor). Blaxploitation was a major trend, but it was never simple. The films mixed self-empowerment with exploitation, base stereotypes with essential representation that spoke to the lives and fantasies of Black viewers. The time is right for a reappraisal, understanding these films in the context of the time, and exploring their lasting influence.

Hard Knock Radio is a drive-time Hip-Hop talk show on KPFA (94.1fm @ 4-5 pm Monday-Friday), a community radio station without corporate underwriting, hosted by Davey D and Anita Johnson.