Hard Knock Radio

In Conversation with Professor Tina Bell Wright

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In a recent conversation between Hard Knock Radio host Davey D and Professor/author Tina Bell Wright, a wide range of political and social issues were discussed. The dialogue covered the evolution of fascism in America, the current state of race and power dynamics, and historical examples of Black self-determination. They also explored potential political and social outcomes in the upcoming years, delved into the concept of power and its application in various contexts, and discussed the upcoming Hip Hop Congress Conference. The conversation concluded with concerns about the potential impacts of individuals wielding great power with self-interest and the shifting dynamics of political support.


Guest: KRISTINE (TINA) WRIGHT is an educator/sociologist, specializing in African American studies, social stratification (race, class, and gender), urban education, media, and popular culture. As an undergraduate, she attended UCLA and graduated with degrees in both Communication Studies (media emphasis) and Afro-American Studies. She received her doctorate in Sociology from the University of California, Irvine in 2005 and is currently a tenured faculty member at Los Angeles Southwest College. She has taught for 25 plus years at all levels of the California public school system: K-12, community colleges, California State University and the University of California.
Hard Knock Radio is a drive-time Hip-Hop talk show on KPFA (94.1fm @ 4-5 pm Monday-Friday), a community radio station without corporate underwriting, hosted by Davey D and Anita Johnson.