Hard Knock Radio

In Conversation with Rosa Clemente

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In a riveting session on Hard Knock Radio, host Davey D conversed with Dr. Rosa Clemente, an activist and journalist renowned for her insights into political dynamics and grassroots activism. The conversation primarily revolved around the current political climate, the role of third parties in U.S. politics, and the challenges of fostering effective community engagement and change.

Rosa Clemente shared her concerns about the march towards fascism, noting the potential re-election of Donald Trump and its implications. “Either Trump wins and we’re gonna see fascism rise,” she stated, highlighting the stark consequences of the political directions the U.S. might take. This reflects her deep engagement with the political shifts and the critical need for preparedness and local community organizing to counter these trends.

Discussing the limitations and potential of third-party politics, Clemente expressed disappointment over the missed opportunities for growth and influence beyond the two major U.S. political parties. “I think electoral politics is always something…and I don’t think it should be the only thing we do in our community,” she remarked, pointing to the systemic barriers that prevent third parties from gaining significant traction. This frustration with the electoral system also tied into her critique of performative politics and the lack of substantive support for third parties that could genuinely represent diverse American voices.

Further elaborating on the dynamics of political engagement, Clemente critiqued the current strategies of both major parties in engaging the electorate. She underscored the often performative nature of political campaigns which fail to substantially address the needs and concerns of marginalized communities. “A lot of people might vote out of fear…that nuance is something that we should be talking about,” Clemente argued, stressing the importance of recognizing and addressing the genuine fears and concerns of voters underrepresented in political discourse.

The conversation with Rosa Clemente on Hard Knock Radio illuminated the complexities of current political strategies, the crucial role of grassroots organizing, and the challenging road ahead for those seeking to effect change through both traditional and non-traditional political avenues. Her insights offer a compelling call to action for more localized and substantive engagement in political processes.

Hard Knock Radio is a drive-time Hip-Hop talk show on KPFA (94.1fm @ 4-5 pm Monday-Friday), a community radio station without corporate underwriting, hosted by Davey D and Anita Johnson.


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