A Nationwide Spree of Police Violence Against Student Protestors

Today on the show: A nationwide spree of police violence: We’ll speak to the president of the National Lawyers Guild, and to Chip Gibbons of Defending Rights & Dissent about the resurgence of police power in the face of the new national student movement against genocide in Palestine. Also we’ll have a report from UCLA in the aftermath of an attack by a violent pro-Israel contingent, and we’ll talk to the author of a new book Resisting the Right-Wing Attack on Academic Freedom The Right to Learn: Resisting the Right-Wing Attack on Academic Freedom (Beacon Press, spring 2024.


Artist Song Album Label
Cirque du Soleil,Robert Stanley,Richard Beaudet,Paul Picard,René Dupéré,Luc Gilbert,Francine PoitrasSanzaNouvelle ExperienceCirque Du Soleil
David RovicsTaking to the WavesBearing WitnessDavid Rovics