El Show de Andrés Soto

Communities For A Better Environment

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Communities For A Better Environment, or CBE as it is known to its many friends, is one of California’s premier environmental justice organizations. CBE has been on the front lines and fence lines working with low income and communities of color to speak truth to power and challenge polluters and government officials that protect them. In the Bay Area, CBE has two project area: Richmond and East Oakland.

CBE is celebrating its 40th anniversary with celebrations in both Southern and Northern California. The Northern California celebration will take place on Thursday, Februrary 28, at the Ed Roberts Campus in Berkeley. The CBE 40th Anniversary Celebration will be an evening of fun, empowerment, food, drink and music. We will have Dinah Dominguez and Ester Goolsby of CBE to discuss CBE, its history and current Bay Area campaigns and how you can become a sponsor of the event and/or attend the celebration with the CBE family.

Hosted by Andres Soto.

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