Special Broadcast

Drag Storytime Ep.1

With all the fuss lately about drag story hours – people in often audacious attire and imaginative makeup reading stories to children – we thought you’d like to hear and see some for yourselves. So you can consider whether they really should be banned, as some politicians demand.

No need to sneak into an elementary school or your local library’s kiddies’ room though, we’re bringing some to you! We’ve recorded four readings along with short conversations with drag performers, authors, a publisher and a parent.

We hope you enjoy our Pride Month video and audio Drag Storytime series. Find them all on our website, KPFA.org  or on our YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@KPFAradio

KPFA’s Drag Storytime series is produced by E.A., Peter Stickney and Eric Jansen (aka Cinnamon Sugarshoes).

Drag Storytime Episode 1

For our first installment, we caught up with The One and Only Rexy of Drag Story Hour at the Bay Area Book Festival in downtown Berkeley May 7, along with the author and publisher of one of the books she read.