
CounterSpin – June 12, 2015

This week on CounterSpin: Solitary confinement is discussed so matter-of-factly in US media that you wouldn’t guess that many people in the world consider it to be torture—and call not for its restriction, but its abolition. Some of the information driving that belief can be found in a new report from the Vera Institute for Justice. We’ll hear about the report from co-author Jessa Wilcox, senior program associate at Vera’s Center on Sentencing and Corrections.

Also on the show: If I say soccer’s in the headlines, you likely think of the FIFA corruption scandal rather than the Women’s World Cup, although that’s also happening. It’s not your fault: Despite ever-growing popularity, women’s sports just don’t seem to garner big-time media interest. What needs to change? Our guest researches that very subject. Cheryl Cooky is associate professor of women’s, gender and sexuality studies at Purdue University, and lead author of the new report on TV sports coverage whose name says it all: “It’s Dude Time!”

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