This week on CounterSpin:
UN Climate talks have ended with an agreement that, as New York Times headlines would suggest, “Strikes a Deal to Transition Away From Fossil Fuels.” Headlines, which are all that many people read, are often misleading, and sometimes they aggressively deflect from the point of the story, which in this case is that everyone who wasn’t a polluting corporate entity came away from COP28 angry, worried, and frustrated at the way that fossil fuel companies have been able to not only endanger everyone with their actions but also hornswoggle their way into media debate, such that we’re all supposed to consider how to balance the life of humanity on the planet with the profit margins of a handful of billionaires.
Almost precisely a year ago, CounterSpin discussed fossil fuel corporations’ brazen lie factory with Richard Wiles, director of the Center for Climate Integrity. We hear some of that conversation again today.
Also on today’s show:
When you talk about climate, a lot of folks go in their head to a picture of clouds, butterflies and wolves. Climate policy is about money and profit and the meaninglessness of all those beautiful vistas you might imagine — at least, that’s how many politicians think of it. We addressed that with Matthew Cunningham-Cook from the Lever in August of this year. And we hear some of that discussion this week as well.