Behind the News

Behind the News – January 4, 2018

Host Doug Henwood covers the worlds of economics and politics and their complex interactions, from the local to the global.

One response to “Behind the News – January 4, 2018

  1. I would like to make a comment here. At the beginning of the second session your guest brings up the choice not to have a child vs the choice to have a child. This feels like a cloaked dig at women choosing not to have children worthy of the most patriarchal view possible. To me this indicates huge schism similar to the huge schism between women in the vote for the last president. To me the feels like the implication that given a choice most women would want to have children if the conditions were right and that not having children is almost an outlier position. Well is it if so no wonder abortion rights are under so much pressure and might even be reversed. Women seem to conspire against themeselves. Just a thought or two.


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