Bay Native Circle

Bay Native Circle – April 5, 2023 – Morning Star Gali Hosts. Cathy Jackson Interviews Anthony Guzman, Rass K’Dee & Jimmy Jackson Interviews Bruce Gali

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Transcript for 04/05/2023 Bay Native Circle

0000:00:00 Show Theme 

00:01:00 Morning Star Gali 

Chimi Sunwi. Good evening and welcome to Bay Native circle here on KPFA, 94.1, KFCF 88.1 in Fresno and online at This is Morning Star Gali. Your host for this evening. Tonight’s show is dedicated to all of you celebrating spring blessings and renewal. And enjoying this full moon evening tonight’s main native circle profiles some of our community warriors, Anthony Guzman of the Native American Health Center. In Oakland is the Chief Cultural Officer. Besides his community work, he is a father and a husband and considers that his most important role in life. We will hear an interview with James Jackson, a Vietnam veteran who interviews Bruce Gali, a Wounded Knee veteran, and Standing Rock Veteran. All of our veterans are honored and respected within our communities, we will also hear from our very own Bay Native circles, Rass K Dee, a musician, and former producer for BNC. Rass is a cultural and music warrior, blending and incorporating culture into a modern medium. 

01:59 James Jackson 

Hello, my name is Jimmy Jackson. I live in Tuba City Arizona on the Navajo reservation…I am Kinlichini…born for salt and my maternal grandparents are Towering House and my paternal grandparents are Bitterwater and…  

I recently went to visit the traveling wall of Vietnam Memorial and it was in Fort Verde, Arizona, and it was an odd experience to be amongst the Yavapai Apache people… who were forced March to San Carlos in the early, early, early times of Arizona. I went to see other veterans as well at the memorial. So that’s why I went there. Bruce Gali is an Elder from Northern California, he is from the Achomawi band of the Pit River Indian Nation… And he recently traveled to Wounded Knee, South Dakota for the 50th year Memorial of the Occupation there, as well as he is a veteran of Standing Rock, North Dakota Occupation 2016 excuse me… he endured quite a bit of hardship there, Bruce?  


00:03:35 Bruce Gali 

Thank you, Jimmy you know, for the introduction, yes. So, the question was…How did I end up in Wounded Knee?…well you know, back in the late sixties there, you know Alcatraz was going on Also there was some land struggles in Kashia Indian reservation…also Northern California, then they had fishing rights…in Yurok country…but through all these gatherings, especially Alcatraz, there was a number of tribal peoples, tribal nations coming from around the country to do that occupation on Alcatraz and later on they had went to Pit River because we were having a land struggle with PG&E and also the United States forest service on our four corners 

You know land struggles so when Wounded Knee started, the tribe had asked, or the tribal council had asked if there were volunteers to like to go over there because of the Sioux tribe had participated in Pit River at that time…so they had asked for volunteers asked for the tribal council had  

 had asked for volunteers, give me a second here… We had to ask for volunteers, and they asked that I go over there and not to fight the United States government but to go over there and protect the women, children, and elders. Just like the people from Alcatraz from other nations had done so…in order to return that favor. 

I volunteered to go back there that time our spiritual person in Pit River country was Charlie Buckskin, chief and Raymond Lego, and a couple of the other council people Talbert Wilson, Doc Jenkins , and they had ceremony for me and they asked that I go back there and that I would be protected and that know not to fight the United States government but to protect the women, children and elders, back there and that I would be able to go back there and defend the people and be able to come back and give my report of what was going on at that time back there. So, when I had gone back there, started out in Pit River and went to UC Davis, we had to a safe house there, and probably 40 people in a room and I had walked in there and asked if I could participate in going back there if they had room …like that  

And so, at that time, there were 3 cars going back there and I had secured one of the seats in the vehicle and there were 21 of us that had gathered in UC Davis at that time and we all jumped in the cars and left that evening. Now that was probably the first night that it was the 27th…so probably the 28th when I arrived down there. 21 of us in three cars were packed in there like a bunch of sardines. But we were being followed, I think, through Reno, Nevada, and Colorado and then after that we ended up in Rapid City. We had gone over there, and we went to one of the Indian Centers or Indian community down in there. People started asking or saying they heard about that. There was a group coming in from California a lot of names were mentioned so we did feel that it was safe at that time 

Because we wanted to go into Wounded Knee, so we left there and Other people from the community had to stay in Rapid City overnight and then the next day we had went to Porcupine …we went through Porcupine, there were 21 of us going through that there at that time. 

So, we walked through the Wounded Knee, we got there probably …we left about 8 o’clock at night, we walked in when the sun was coming out, and they had a bunker over there …California…little California bunker. So other people were there from California, so a lot of people didn’t know the story remains that there was about 36 of us altogether…there were all different tribes within turtle island. 

But a lot of them came out from California…so you know it was kind of there were California tribal people, but there was 36 of us all together, and I remember that one evening when we were there, one of the folks that is no longer with us now, ..Charlie Steele had asked that he wanted everybody to introduce themselves, their name and what their purpose was for being there…went around in a circle…you know all 36 of us and there right after that the next day they had flesh offerings, and I went over there to see Wallace Black Elk and didn’t realize at that time how strong spiritually the prayer was, and I had taken flesh offerings from Wallace Black Elk. 

That second evening and he had told me the same exact word that my tribal council from Pit River that those bullets would go right through me, and I was there to protect the women children and elders and not to fight the United States government and I would be able to survive this day and bring back the message from their country back to Wounded Knee and here now today, I really understand and know that power of prayer. And the thing is going back to Wounded Knee on its 50th year anniversary, I had talked to some other people and if you really look at it when I moved back I was 23 years old, and at that time it was 1973, and I looked at it now and at this 50th anniversary and here now I’m just turning 73 years old, you know, and still surviving. 

So that’s what I’m trying to acknowledge to the people out there is how strong that prayer is. 

You know the Creator already knew my path in life…like I said…time tells everything…and like I honor that and I like to say that now, I like to acknowledge the women that were there inside Wounded Knee, inside the bunkers, either cooking or on security or bringing in supplies and even the women that were on the outside know out there gathering fresh medical supplies, clothing, you know that stuff…people haven’t acknowledged that about women in their quest… and how their strength was helping us in order to be there…And hold that ground.. 


13:51 Jimmy: Did you see any people that you knew at the Memorial?  


13:56 Bruce:  Yeah, you know there were probably about five or six of us…we were standing around …after these 50 years A lot of things that you know we weren’t sure about or to confirm other things that have happened during those days in Wounded Knee and so, we were able to sit down and confirm or you know, just stand around whatever talking and conferring stuff that was going on 50 years ago… 

So that was quite interesting, and I talked about the repercussions of the aftermath about killings…the women that were missing…In the mountains, a lot of people were still around on that hillside, you know, and we asked or talked about quite a few of the other people there…whether they were still alive or what they were up to. You know in this present day, it was quite interesting  


15:53 Jimmy:  Do you have any last words: 


15:57 Bruce:  Yeah…probably last words I’d like to say like I say… acknowledging the women , acknowledging KPFA, for giving me time to speak about this 50th year anniversary like that…I’m not too sure if I’ll be able to go back again and I know and I know I’m not going to be able to be there for the 100th year anniversary and I want to give the acknowledgement, blessings for people that I honor very much that have helped me financially ..with the rooms or whatever to go back there like that…just so …I’m honored and blessed to have let me have the acknowledgement about myself being part of that back there…I had mentioned before that it wasn’t about me myself or I…it was about us being back there acknowledging the people that weren’t able make it because of hardships 

Maybe they were taking care of grandmothers, grandpas, grandchildren …children…so on the like that…trouble with their vehicles, maybe they didn’t have gas money to go there and come back…the hardships of them having to work like that…I said acknowledging the women that were part of Wounded Knee but weren’t on the inside worked on the outside gathering materials like that. So, I’m honored and blessed for all that… the Facebook page is Bruce Gali ok, talk to you guys later–HO!

<18:31 Transition theme>

00:18:39 Cathy Jackson  

We’re speaking with Anthony Guzman of the Native American Health Centers.  

Anthony, can you please introduce yourself?  


00:18:46 Anthony Guzman 

Sure, my name’s Anthony Guzman, and I am the Chief Culture Officer of the Native American Health Center? I’vebeen working here now for, you know, 2 1/2 years, when I first started working here working at the health center, I came in as the Director of Community Wellness. Also, in August of last year, the health center created a position called Cultural Officer and they hired me to fill it and so I’m really grateful for the opportunity to serve in that position. It’s a new job that’s going to pop up around urban Indian organizations across the country and really one of the things that’s the responsibility of that office is to insure that the traditional practices, ancestral wisdom is integrated into all aspects of the organization, and that culture doesn’t become a trinket in these types of organization and that it’s part of our value system and the way that we do business At the center, and so…several other organizations have one, such as Sac-Sacramento American Indian Health, Santa Clara Valley…and I think one of our partners up in Seattle…Urban Indian Health Institute are doing the same thing, so we followed suit…we saw the value in it…our leadership saw the value in it…so that’s my current role…yeah, really excited about it. 


01:54 Cathy Jackson 

And where are you from?  


01:55 Anthony Guzman 

I am from Randlett, Utah. I grew up on the Ute Indian Reservation in Northeastern Utah. You know, I remember growing up out there as a kid when I just couldn’t wait to get away from there, I wanted to get to the big cities and you know, I always just had this deep desire to be in the city. And now at 46 years old, I take every opportunity I get to go home, back to the middle of nowhere, high desert and ah, you know the mountain sage brush, clay sandstone hills where I grew up…it’s really important to me know…to go back home and spend as much time there with my family and.. 

But honestly when I go home…I find myself just wanting to be alone…as a kid where I grew up you know and walking around…walking around on the high desert, along the river…and really just listening to the sounds that’s ..really just nature…yeah, it sounds crazy just to talk about it now but…I remember then how badly I wanted out (chuckles) 


03:10 Cathy Jackson 

And before we start talking about your upcoming event at the Presidio. Can you tell the listeners why you chose to do the work that you do?  


03:22 Anthony Guzman  

That’s an interesting question, I really… I became a social worker, I worked in the school at the University of Utah, and got a master’s in social work. But before that, I went Haskell Indian Nations University, and I went to a boarding school at Anadarko, Oklahoma…and I never planned on  

ever going to college, let alone being a social worker …Social workers…where I grew up…it was…social workers weren’t seen as people that were there in support…help and build the community…they were kind of seen as people who took away kids and… diagnosed you…And so, I never sought out to do this work, I sure didn’t think I would be in the position I was in today. I think the work called me and you know, itjust seemed like it fit and navigated my way through school and again going through school was something that I never planned on doing either…I just think that Creator had a plan for me and to be able to do what I do today is such a blessing and so…that’s kind of how I answered that question…I don’t know if I really chose this path…it just kind of folded in front of me.

00:21:57 (Cathy Jackson) 

OK, I’m going to uh, throw in another question here before we talk about the event…ahm.. 

You spoke about having a son and I wanted to know what some of the differences are that you feel, or I don’t know how to really phrase. How are you raising your son differently from how You were raised? 

00:22:21 Anthony Guzman  

That’s a that’s such a beautiful question. You know, I think about both sides of my family: my, my dad was born in Tiajuana and so I’m half Mexican. My father moved from Tiajuana when he was five years old to Northen California and Watsonville, CA. So, I had a large family down there. And so, his father became an orphan in Mexico City when he was a child and grew up in orphanages. And my mom… both of her parents went to boarding school establishedon my reservation…and  both of those histories impacted the way both of my parents parented, you know it was a tough love it was you know I think that even when was going up…the first time… I ever said I love you to my mom and dad, I was probably about 29 years old and, it was really Awkward for myself, it was awkward for my parents too. Like they – I remember seeing how uncomfortable my mom and dad were when I said it to them. 

And I think that had a lot to do with the history of both people, the, the, the intergenerational trauma from alcohol and drugs and historical aspects of systematic oppression and colonization and both of my family …both sides. And so, a lot of my testament…to who I am as a father. I had to come through the school of social work, because I don’t think that if I went to that school and learned the skill set I did… I don’t know if I would be able to be the father, I am today, you know, a very active father.  

I bathe  my son…you know when he was a baby…I wash, I cook, I do the dishes, feed him and cloth him…changehis diaper, I love you…to the point now– you know I’ve never laid a hand on my son…which was very different for me…and I tell him that I love him and he’s beautiful every single day. 

You know, I think one of the things that I remember that being a father now…opposed to my dad, sleep with my son, cuddle with him, read him bedtime stories and just let him know how much I appreciate and I love him every single day don’t know if I Would have necessarily been.  

Able to do that without the school that I went through. And the work that I’ve done on myself I do, I’m actively in therapy…I’ve been in therapy, it’s one thing to do therapy with people, but some other things to know how it feels on the other side of that therapy chair. And to do my work as well. And so, I think the difference I think…my fatherhood style, my dad’s …night and day…and that’s nothing to say anything bad about my parents…that’s what they knew…that’s what their parents gave them…and their parents, I can’t imagine things they went through. Being a father is the most important thing to me, and it really helps me navigate the work in the community. 

So along with the question of the most important thing in my life is being a father…and a husband, you know it’s the most important thing, it’s the most sacred ceremony that I know that exists to me right now. The most beautiful and I’m glad to call myself a father. 

00:25:36 Cathy Jackson  

That was a really good answer. So, tell the listeners what obstacles you have encountered in providing the services you do– talk a little bit about the services…and um, what are some of the obstacles you encountered in providingthose services… 


00:26:07 Anthony Guzman 

Well you know when I think about providing services, it’s-it’s– I’ve worked my entire career in the Indian community-in the Native communities…I’m a social worker, I’ve worked for my own tribe for years, Friendship house ah, CRC, among various tribes, you know back home in Utah, but also worked in urban Indian organizations in Salt Lake City as well.. And I think the obstacles that we always face like…the sources of money that we get. 

Not always enough money -that always can be an issue, but it’s about the sources that we get that money from. So, if you’re getting money from the feds, from the county, from the state…private donors…attached to that funding is always the expectations that you have…and some of those expectations aren’t bad they’re very important. You know, data collection, what is your data telling you? And being able to justify the work that you’redoing with sometimes that that’s a double-edged sword  

Sometimes it feels like it’s just a bunch of obstacles and you know your heart’s making sure your community’s getting services that they need and wanting to see the community thrive and heal from all the disparities and trouble they’ve had… 

However, each one of those contracts and funders, you know, sometimes those challenges in which you expect or there’s a bureaucracy there. That’s just the slog at times. And you know, like, you know, there’s certain there’s certain contracts, and you got to know your contracts and grants to say, hey, this contract, you can buy food and have a cultural celebration where you feed the people, and   

and some say no… you can’t do that, or they say you can’t charge a traditional practitioner to this, and so I think one of the one of the obstacles to that and you know being able to have unrestricted fundings to do those types of work without having to ask or knowing all these little details of those contracts.  

But I don’t want to say those are bad things, you just have to be very astute in what you are doing on all those contracts, particularly when you have a lot of contracts, you just have to run through one of those and it’s a lot of awareness.  

So my hat goes off  to go to the organizations that you, that they know what they need and can put the money where they want to and I think sometimes that’s one of the obstacles with having a lot of contracts ..there’s some awesome things you can do, you have to think outside the box to fulfill those grants expectations when you have unrestricted funding to do the work that you do then that’s awesome.  Hey, let’s have a wonderful cultural celebration, and we bring in healers from all over and pay our relatives. What they deserve to be paid. That’salways been something that is important to me.  

I remember I had– I used to hold punk rock skateboard festival on my reservation. 

And I remember – You know, like you can’t do that like, but that’s not a substance abuse prevention– I’m like you bet it is, I had skateboard competitions, you know, punk rock, and heavy metal, you know, hip hop artist, some of which are now very well known in the country, which I’m really proud to see where they are right now. But you know, SAMSHA, IHS-Phoenix area office… 

So, you know, they might not be really able to see the connection on how those types of activities are prevention activities for youth and even some of the adult folks. So, bureaucracy is definitely a challenge there. And you know, sometimes it’s my colleagues. Sometimes I’m not saying anything about understanding the world in general. Sometimes we got folks that are burnt out with the work that they do and that really kind of comes through, and I’m fortunate my colleagues that we currently have right now are fantastic and they really believe in the mission of our organization to ensure that the Community gets you know, support physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally. And um, so I’m really proud of that.  


00:30:04 Cathy Jackson  

We need to leave a few more seconds when we switch back and forth…ah.  

You do have a really good staff and I’d like you to talk a little bit about them if you if you can. 

00:30:16 Anthony Guzman  

Sure, you know, I think I’ve been really blessed to, you know, come into an organization you know, that’s been here doing this amazing work for  50 years doing this amazing, work  you know, With so many of our community partners out there and, you know, friendship House, IFH, CRC and these guys have been doing the work for so long I just hope that, you know, I can put a little bit of contribution into the fantastic work. That’s just, you know, what happens with these organizations and then blood, sweat and tears as you well know, for so long when somebody like me with, you know, I’m 46, but still there was the whole generation of people. And I stand on the shoulders of what we did, all that work for us to do what we’re doing right now. 

You know Marty Waukazoo’s our CEO…he has a leadership style that really allows people to meet their full potential, you know, really admire, you know, Marty and I actually worked for Helen as well at…the Friendship House and worked for Helen before I moved to the Bay Area. It was really eye-opening to see leaders like that. Everybody has challenges, you know in leadership. It’s really always something that’s complex and knowing and understanding that time. Marty’s been great, Natalie-Natalie Aguilera…she’s the chief administration officer. She herleadership is, you know, really comes through years 17 years of working here at the health center she really knows the organization and the departments. Michelle Shawnego who is a Chief People officer…really leads up a really massive department in our Human Resources…she really has to make very strong decisions and  

Understand the complexities of our workforce.  

That’s very big and diverse you know, out of 275 employees and were close to 100 native employees but our workforce is a is a reflection of the Community that where we are at in Fruitvale and the Mission a very diversecommunity of our very diverse workforce, African American Latino relatives, people from all- Of the world, really constitute our workforce and I’m really proud to see that our workforce is as diverse as it is. So those are some of our Native Leadership. 

Hat’s off to Dr. Jenkins…our chief medical officer Greg Garrett, our Chief Operations Officer, Alan Wong, our Chief Financial Officer, every single one of those people contributes to every day.  

 operation of the Native American Health Center, you know. Let me tell you I’ve had some pretty tough jobs and when I came here. I think a lot of people have the same experience, the pace of which we move every single day. It’s grueling and rigorous…I was just pretty blown away on how quickly I have to, you know, download information, make decisions, and move and be able to hold so much at one given time. You know, just didn’t realize that I had the capacity to, to work as I’m doing now, and it definitely takes its toll on me, but I make sure that my mental health is– I stay on top of it, and so that when I go home, I can manage it and be a father, a husband and friend, to the best of my ability to some of my colleagues and. At the health center we provide mental health services, clinical, dental. We have a WIC, we have a school-based services in 11 different schools, we have a Richmond site…ah provide rental assistance in San Francisco, prevention services, substance abuse-prevention services, perinatal programming, through community wellness department, and here’s ah, we do everything we can to insure that-that culture and traditional values, in an inter-tribal space is interjected in every aspect of our programming, and so again, very humbled and happy to be able to contribute to an organization that’s been doing great work for so long.

00:35:03 Cathy Jackson  

Thank you. Let’s talk about the event that’s coming up on Saturday, April 15th at the Presidio now. 

00:35:11 Anthony Guzman  

Yes, yes. You know, I want to say a fantastic big hat’s off to Laura Cedillo who’s one of the program managers at the health Center. She’s always been a fantastic community organizer and done so much great work, I know I learn from Laura all the time and the way that she engages in the community, you know? So, on Saturday April 15th from 11:00 to 4:00 PM, we have the Inter-Tribal Dance Gathering, dancing is our medicine. We have our brush dancers showing up. The bird dancers, round dance songs–you know, Mike Ballenger, All Nations Singers…and just the title, “Dancing is our medicine,” is so powerful…You know as a clinician you know, you learn all these different types of interventions, you know, and cognitive behavior therapy, motivational interviewing…EMDR you know, the list goes on and often times…they take these little Elements of human beings have used historically heal,   

and understand lives about people who have to function in the world.  

one of the things that I always notice was that all indigenous people all around the world danced for all things they danced for healing: they danced to grieve, they dance for joy and celebration, they dance to laugh Andso… You know I think that western psychology and medicine  is finally starting to catch up at understanding ah, how you integrate movement, and song and dance into the lives of human beings…it’s so crucial and important and I think the inter-national dance gathering is that, it’s a demonstration to say -hey look, these ways have always supported the growth and healing and driving of people. But it’s also opportunity to just come together and be in community and laugh and dance.  

You know, every single one of us I think that times and you know in our lives and get caught up and our work and titles and what we do and mission and we’re all out there achieving, but when we dance… All that goes away, and we become one with the people around you,   

We come one with the space that you’re in you can hear the trees and you can hear the birds. You can hear the ocean. We can hear the laughter of children and all that stuff goes away…and for a moment you’re tapped into everything around you, and that’s the way when we think about this event, that’s how I envision it… That’s how I feel when I hear the word dance…so get out there, shake your tailfeather, use your clapper, you know, wherever it may be…cause at the end of the day…when Indigenous people dance…it boils down to a couple of things…and some of it is…love and relationship.

00:38:40 Cathy Jackson  

Well, I’m sure people will look forward to that event at the Presideo…can you give the contact information for the event and maybe some of the social media contact- I saw a flyer maybe you could talk about that.

00:39:00 Anthony Guzman  

Sure, [if] you have any questions regarding the event, get a hold of Joseph Vasquez or Laura Cedillo, and you can get ahold of them at 415-417-3556 or you can e-mail at  [email protected] We also have our Instagram page I believe that is. Directions are 7 Gen 1D, Native American’s Health Center Instagram page, and from there, you will be able to get connected to the rest of our social media accounts on Twitter… And Facebook…I think right now, our Instagram has a lot of good stuff there and you can follow some of the things that we are doing not only in San Francisco, but also in Oakland, and the Richmond site as well.  


00:40:02 Cathy Jackson  

Well, I’d Like to thank you for taking the time to speak, to Bay native circle today. Are there any last words?

00:40:11 Anthony Guzman  

Yeah, you know, I think we covered a lot a lot of topics today. And I just want to thank you so much for giving us an opportunity to share a little bit about who we are and what we do at the health center…I think ah,  one of the things that I think is so important, you talked about and thank you for asking you know…as men in the community think about how important it is, that we ah, you know, we take care of our mental health…we cherish it, and when we see something that we need to you got to  make sure you talk to somebody and find the services that we need to in order for us to know as men, as fathers, as brothers as friends to all of our communities…that we take care of ourselves in that way, know our women have carried us in community so, so strongly, and for so long.. But that wait can be very-that wait can wear…and so, they definitely need us I know there’s men out there, doing exactly what I’m talking about. 

But if you see a brother out there, and they’re suffering and they’re down…go over there, let them know how much you care about them, if you don’t know how to give them the support that they need…don’t be afraid to let them know, and normalize some of the help for mental health, it’s so important…and I’m saying that as someone that has practiced that myself. You know I’ve found that times that I’ve tried to power through things, but every time I’ve reached out to get support…I see that my resiliency’s a lot more–I bounce back quicker…and I learn something, I learn something about myself, and I stay in relation to other people, and to pass that on to other folks, too.  

And I see them if they might need help, or they reach out. 

So, I wanted to share a little bit about that, because I know how important that is support each other…it’ssuch a dynamic and fascinating time right now, so much going on…I’m so excited about our indigenous America right now…let’s do everything we can to fulfill our dreams in community. 

Again, thank you so much for the opportunity to share some thoughts, and yeah and (I think he said Wopila)  


00:42:31 Cathy Jackson OK, thanks. <End Anthony Guzman Interview> 


(Transition theme)

00:42:31 Cathy Jackson  

We’re here with Rass K’Dee…ah Rass please tell the listeners a little bit about yourself…and what you’ve been up to lately.

Rass K’Dee:  hey, how’s it going, been a while since I’ve been on air, thank you for having me Cathy…appreciate it–big fan of your program also, back in the day…yeah, I definitely have been a listener of Bay Native Circle…um…actually host for – I think nine years I hosted? 

So… It’s good to be back on air with you…and just share what we’ve been up to. I belong to the band AudioPharmacy…my name is Rass K’Dee…been performing with Audiopharmacy-this will be our 20th year coming up next year, so we’re excited to be celebrating 20 years of our work and music and cultural sharing in the bay area and beyond, and ah…yeah, we’re just gearing up for a bunch of events this spring, just coming on the air to share some music, and just some vibes with the people.  



Cathy Jackson:  So, tell me a little bit about this film and concert that’s coming up  


44:31Rass K’Dee:   

Yeah, so we made a film called “Groundworks” which is, was…initially it was kind of a collaboration with Dancing Earth…this other group from Canada, Toaster Lab… another film group. We came together to kind of you know, create these short films…they were like 360 films, they were for virtual like virtual reality films? And um, for the virtual space, and um, we filmed a couple of them and through the process of filming these original films, we ended up making a feature- a full length documentary…uhm, which is not 360…just 2D space, but…it’s 57 minute film, and it features bunch of California Native Voices, and cultural bearers and one of them is myself, also Canyon Sayers Roots, Bernadette Smith, and L Frank Manriquez, some of the voices that you’ve probably heard a lot here on KPFA in the Bay Native Circle over the years, and we asked them what kind of…what do they want to share…what are the stories that they want to share…you Canyon, you know, talked about Indian Canyon, Bernadette talked about the acorn festival, and reviving the acorn festival…myself talked about my music, and work with the Nesta Media Arts Center here in Forestville building our sustainable artists hub here in Sonoma County, and Snag magazine, our native arts and culture magazine and then L Frank talked about her work-their work, artwork, and work that they do as well. 

Everyone kind of shares a little bit about their culture, and cultural piece…but yeah the film has had a lot of success, it aired on KQED last year…I think it was on…over a thousand stations, it went nationwide…so that was a good opportunity for folks to see it last November, we’re just following up with some screenings here in the bay area, we’re screening it at the San Francisco State…I think it’s on April 12th…at SF State from Noon to 1:30 and they’ll be a Q and A, and also a panel, the filmmakers won’t make it this time, but some members of AudioPharmacy…some members of the Native staff and teachers at SF State will be on the panel as well and that’s going to be at SF State on April 12th…um, and then we also have a concert that we’re doing. 

We’re following up with a concert on April 19th at the McKenna theatre in at SF State, and that concert is with AudioPharmacy, my band…you know for those that aren’t familiar…we’re world hip hop ensemble–anywhere from five to ten of us onstage at once…but we have a pretty, pretty well-known for getting the party jumpin’ in the bay area community. 

But that show will be on the 19th from 7 to 8:30 and for students out there, students of SF State or students in general…the first 200 tickets are free, so definitely jump on that, and there’s also some promo codes if you go to…you can find out more information about those. 


Cathy Jackson 48:25:  

Well, it sounds like you have been busy. Can you talk a little bit more about the film…and where people can see it now? 


Rass K’Dee 48:34: 

Yeah so if you have a KQED membership, you can watch the film, it is on KQED on the PBS stations in your city where you’re tuning in from, but you can just search “Groundworks” on KQED or search Groundworks Film…you can also see the trailer, search Groundworks trailer um you can see the film trailer, but yeah, the film was really kind of evolved from like really from a question we asked you know, these tribal leaders and members you know, what issues or what things do you want to talk about, what kind of things do you want to show from your community…as opposed to approaching them with our own hatched idea of what we want to share from their culture from their community, and I think that’s a little bit of a different approach…I think a lot of times us as culture bearers, community culture workers, or ceremony makers…or…yeah, so a lot of times, people come to us with projects that are kind of fully hatched, they want us to um just come on for a fifteen-minute land acknowledgement or open upthe band or sing a song you know, as artists and musicians…culture bearers… 

You know, we didn’t want to do that…we wanted the artist to share what they wanted to share, and what are the projects that you’re excited about, and it’s um, just more of a different approach, and I think that really opened up…I think…you know these artists that we’re showcasing opened up them to be able to really  hone in on the projects they want the world to hear about, and that’s what’s most important really is  that the ones that are near and dear to their hearts…you know. 


Cathy Jackson 50:20:  

That’s great so you’re really opening up space for other people…ok well anything else you’d like to add? 


Rass K’Dee 50:43 

Yeah…well I’d love to see–we have a bunch of shows coming up this spring and I recommend just checking us out and I think the best way to check out our calendar for April/May is to…and you can see all of our dates, we have a show at the Oakland Museum on May 5th, and then we’ll be in San Francisco at the Gongster’s paradise event on May 6th, the day after…we just have a bunch of shows in April and May, so I’ddefinitely check out if you want to come to one of those…come see us in the community. But yeah, we’re excited for the spring…excited for the upcoming events…yeah just this new birth…time of renewal…so I’m giving thanks for you Cathy…thank you so much for having me on today. 


Cathy Jackson 51:43:  

Well, thank you so much and I’m sure that Falcon will pick out some music from your Radio Cafe to play…is there anything you’d like to suggest? 


Rass K’Dee 51:56 

We have a couple of new songs, there’s a new song called “Translucent” which just came out, and the music video is coming out soon…that, it’s already ready…music video, we also have a song called “Lose your Mind”…which is a really long song, you can play a portion of it…nine minute song…that one also has a music video, those are like newer songs, but anything from our catalog, you know, is great…you know audiopharmacy, we have several albums…and I know Falcon’s a big fan, so he’ll find something… 


52:34 Cathy:  Alright thanks a lot  



Audiopharmacy song…to outro 


55:16 Morning Star Gali: Here’s the calendar for upcoming events with audiopharmacy…On April 12th, Groundworks films screening with audiopharmacy includes a Q and A, this will be held Wednesday April 12th from 12 to 1:30 p.m. at 1600 Holloway Ave in San Francisco…for more information visit On April 19th, audiopharmacy is playing a live cypher at San Francisco State University…this is a free event…this will be held from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. again on April 19th. 

Also, on April 19th audiopharmacy is providing a live theatre performance. This will be from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at 1600 Holloway Avenue in San Francisco.  

For more information please visit 

On Saturday April 15th from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., you’re invited to the Native American Health Centers Inter-Tribal Dance Gathering, “Dancing is our Medicine” this will be held at the Presidio in San Francisco. Dance in many indigenous communities is a prayer, an offering…a balancing our physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional selves, which in turn heals and strengthens our communities.  

The native American Health Centers welcomes Indigenous Communities and the greater public to enjoy healing dances by California tribes, Ohlone Hupa and Kumeyaay…round dance songs by Mike Ballenger, Kickapoo/Sac n Fox, screen printing by Smithsonian, featuring artist Calixto Robles, Zapotec, and beading with Kelly Roanhorse, Dine…and more. 

Purchase delicious foods celebrating the bay area’s diverse cuisines from Presidio pop up food and beverages, and vendors. Limited seating is available, please bring your own blanket or folding chair. 

For more information visit Park, or for the latest updates. 

Thank you for listening to our special edition of bay native circle…a special thank you to our engineer, Falcon-Miguel Molina, Jr. This is Morning Star Gali, you have been listening to Bay Native Circle…our producer is Janeen Antione, opening music is L. Frank, mixed with Rass K’Dee, Robert Mirabel, and Rare Tribal Mob. Thank you goes out to Mike Biggz for running the boards, and to Diane Williams for the opening prayer. We thank our musical artists, our guests, and our listening artists for your continued support. We want to give a shout out to our brother’s sisters listening on the inside, especially those on death row. Thank you to Creator, to the indigenous peoples on the lands we occupy, to our ancestors…and to those yet to come…blessings (end)