Arts-Waves on Cover to Cover

Arts-Waves – July 1, 2019: Errol Morris

Erroi Morris, documentary film maker and author of “The Ashtray (Or the Man Who Denied Reality)” in conversation with Richard Wolinsky.

Noted film maker Errol Morris was in graduate school in philosophy when he argued with his professor, Thomas Kuhn. Kuhn threw an ashtray at Morris and had him kicked out of school. The argument was about truth. Kuhn said it was relative; Morris said it was real. All of Errol Morris’s work as a director and documentary artist focuses on truth, whether it be “The Fog of War” and Robert McNamara, or “The Thin Blue Line,” or even his latest project, the Netflix series “Wormwood.”

In this interview, he talks about his feelings regarding Kuhn, the nature of truth and its relationship to the current Washington regime, the origins of “The Thin Blue Line’ and other matters.

Special thanks to Cherilyn Parsons and the folks at the Bay Area Book Fair, who helped set up this interview.

Extended 33-minute Radio Wolinsky podcast.

Also: Review of “Passion” by Stephen Sondheim & James Lapine, at Custom Made Theatre in San Francisco through July 20, 2019.

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