A Rude Awakening

A Rude Awakening with Tribal Chairman Michael Hunter and Matt Simmons

Logging at Jackson Demonstration State Forest, again???

That is the question on the lips of most folks who know what has been happening in the last 2 years. 

Stay tuned and you’ll hear the latest on the struggle from Matt Simmons, Staff Attorney for EPIC (Environmental Protection Information Center) and Tribal Chairman of the Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians Michael Hunter


CAL FIRE Reneges on Logging Promise: Activists Warn Response of Protests, Civil Disobedience


Forest Defenders

Jackson Demonstration State Forest, Fort Bragg, California, in Mendocino County. This short call to action film features some of the tree defenders, people taking direct action to prevent more logging in the state forest. Relevant forestry research link, re the harm of cutting down trees, as it increases fire risks and causes our carbon footprint to go up, warming the planet.

Jackson Demonstration State Forest, North Coast, California, is being heavily logged under the state agency CalFire approved Timber Harvest Plans. This logging increases wildfire risk and silt runoff into a remnant salmon run in Noyo River. The state forest has great value for recreational tourism. The slash and small trees not worth logging are left behind, increasing fire risks, opening the canopy, drying out the soil further, and reducing the water drops from the canopy condensation which drips on to the forest floor.

Jackson is on the unceded ancestral lands of the indigenous people in the area, the Pomo. The Pomo and their brothers and sisters are calling for a moratorium of the logging in Jackson forest.

Forest Defenders 

Places to support and follow 


Matt Simmons




Tribal Chairman Michael Hunter

Pomo Land Back


fb: Michael Hunter

ig: tribal_chairman

Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians


Hope 4 Natives
