A Box of Toys

A Box of Toys #152 Summer Leftovers

this episode is no longer available

New vinyl from Keleketla!, Meltable Snaps It, Alabaster DePlume, Ceramic Dog, Tinariwen, and Zeroh, and a half show of Skin Graft artists including PRE, Gay Beast, Doomsday Student, Xaddax, Sax Ruins, Psychic Graveyard, Tijuana Hercules, and Koenjihyakkei.



*Image from the Public Domain Review The Celestial Atlas of Andreas Cellarius (1660)


Artist Song Album Label
Keleketla! Shepherd Song Keleketla! MERLIN - Ahead Of Our Time
Tinariwen Imidiwan Mahitinam Amatssou Wedge
Tinariwen Ezlan Amatssou Wedge
Zeroh Mudblood BLQLYTE Leaving Records
Santana Europa (Earth's Cry Heaven's Smile) Ultimate Santana Sony Music Media
Pre Popping Showers Epic Fits MERLIN - SKiN GRAFT
Gay Beast Lottery To Smithereens MERLIN - SKiN GRAFT
Gay Beast Poly ASX To Smithereens MERLIN - SKiN GRAFT
Doomsday Student The First Trip A Self-Help Tragedy Three One G
Xaddax Lives on Nerves Counterclockwork MERLIN - SKiN GRAFT
Xaddax Sick Sneak Counterclockwork MERLIN - SKiN GRAFT
Sax Ruins Blimmguass Blimmguass MERLIN - SKiN GRAFT
Koenjihyakkei Vleztemtraiv Dhorimviskha MERLIN - SKiN GRAFT Records
Isaac Hayes Ike's Mood 1 The RZA Presents Shaolin Soul Selection Volume 1 Soul Temple
Madness Driving In My Car (2000 Digital Remaster) Our House Union Square Music

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