A Box of Toys

A Box of Toys – December 24, 2024

this episode is no longer available

A Box of Toys is a radio program dedicated to the mystery of obscure music. The sheer volume of new and original artists is utterly overwhelming and A Box of Toys endeavors to pluck these voices out of their dusty basements and onto the airwaves for your listening pleasure. It is the culmination of a quarter-century curation effort that brings attention to lost, forgotten, eclectic and unknown music the world needs to hear. Come dig around and revel in what we’ve found.


Artist Song Album Label
Frédéric D. Oberland Black Powder SIHR Sub rosa
Frédéric D. Oberland Quasar in Téleutaî SIHR Sub rosa
U Totem Purple Smoke Strange Attractors Warner Music
Aquaserge LPT La fin de l'économie Crammed Discs
Aquaserge Shoot de love La fin de l'économie Crammed Discs
France Sauvage Tears me, love me Tears me, love me Murailles Music
Jungle Back On 74 Back On 74 Caiola Records
Santana Europa (Earth's Cry Heaven's Smile) Ultimate Santana Arista
Gregoire Maret Midnight Summer Volcano Freewheel Sub rosa
Gregoire Maret Retired Kinky Ballerines Freewheel Sub rosa
Forgas Band Phenomena La 13ème Lune (The 13th Moon) L'Axe du Fou - Axis of Madness Cuneiform Records
Ndio Soap Airback Cuneiform Records
Jungle Back On 74 Back On 74 Caiola Records