The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

The KPFA Evening News, Weekdays – June 15, 2004

President Bush declares victory over terrorism in Afghanistan.. Bush’s election-year declaration comes as the president of Afghanistan visits the White House. ..the U.S. has 20-thousand troops in the country and 500 people have died in fighting there since the first of the year.

The American general formerly in charge of Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison says she’s being scapegoated for the treatment of detaineees.. .the brigadier general charges that her successor —who ran the u.s. prison at Guantanamo Cuba — told her that prisoners should be treated like dogs….

Iraq resistance fighters keep up their attacks with an assault on another convoy of contractors killing several and blasting two oil, pipelines.

A bill allowing undocumented immigrants to get California drivers’ Licenses clears it first hurdle in the state legislature

The state’s prison guards union fighting attempts to deny its members an
eleven percent pay raise next month

And San Francisco Supervisors hear public testimony on a proposed affordable
Housing bond

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