“We Can’t Survive on $7.25”: Fast-Food Workers Kick Off National Day of Action for Higher Pay; As Workers Strike Against Low Wages, Fast-Food CEOs Fatten Pockets with Taxpayer-Subsidized Pay; Jeremy Scahill: Oscar Nod for “Dirty Wars” Could Raise Awareness of Ongoing U.S. Drone Strikes; “There is a War on Journalism”: Jeremy Scahill on NSA Leaks & New Investigative Reporting Venture.
December 5, 2013
NSA Collecting Location Data on Cellphones Worldwide
Fast-Food Workers Strike Nationwide for Higher Pay
Studies: Inequality Dividing U.S. Cities, Threatening Families
Suicide Bomber Hits Yemen Defense Ministry in Sana’a
U.S., China Differ on Air Defense Zone
Mexico Recovers Stolen Radioactive Container
2 Guantánamo Prisoners Forcibly Repatriated to Algeria Despite Pleas
Study: 7 in 10 College Students Graduating With Loan Debt
Detainees Hold Sit-in at Texas Immigration Jail
Miami Suburb Sued for Police Abuses, Racial Profiling
ALEC Plots Extensive Campaign Against Environmental Regulation, Clean Energy
Connecticut Releases Newtown 911 Calls
Sen. Warren Rules Out 2016 Presidential Run
Obama Calls for Action on “Growing Inequality”
Illinois Issues Driver’s Licenses to Undocumented Immigrants
ALEC Faces Funding Shortfall After “Stand Your Ground” Prompts Member Flight