The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

The KPFA Evening News, Weekdays – June 8, 2004

Attorney General John Ashcroft refuses to release memos detailing U.S. torture policy …at a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting, Democrats say they may try to hold Ashcroft in contempt of Congress

The United Nations Security Council votes unanimously to adopt a U.S. – British resolution that nominally ends the occupation of Iraq on June 30th…

Police arrest more than two dozen protests demonstrating outside the biotechnology conference at San Francisco’s Moscone Center…

California Attorney General Bill Lockyer says he won’t take over the prosecution of a San Francisco man charged with killing a police officer.

The head of a federal voting commission calls for tougher security measures for electronic voting by the November elections, but says the issue of requiring paper receipts as backup needs further study.

And the Vice President of Venezuela’s National Electoral Council says
President Hugo Chavez will have to face a recall referendum on august

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