The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

The KPFA Evening News, Weekdays – May 11, 2004

The beheading of a Philadelphia man is shown on a web site linked to Al Qaeda –those responsible say the killing was carried out to avenge the U.S. abuse of Iraqi prisoners

On Capitol Hill, the General who investigated the mistreatment of Iraqi
prisoners says the abuse reflected a failure of leadership — but says he
found no evidence guards were acting on the order of their superiors

Governor Schwarzenegger announces a spending deal with State University
officials that trades spending cuts and fee increases now for future state
financial support.. Democrats denounce the deal

San Francisco Supervisors approve a measure banning the construction of Big
Box stores

A study says many U.S. residents carry unhealthy levels of pesticides in
their bodies, with children, women, and Mexican Americans disproportionately

Federal Election Commission lawyers recommend the agency delay a
decision on proposed rules that nonprofit groups said would drastically
curtail their free speech

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